Wednesday, 30 October 2013

I have a blog.....I must of forgotten

That's the only thing I can think of....I guess I forgot lol. To say the last month has been crazy is an understatement. It's been super busy, and between Facebook, and Instagram, I forget we have a little chunk of our life in blog land too. After closing up my old blog, it was actually hard to say goodbye to it....strange, I know. But it was like starting over, and I hate starting over, really dislike change!

As you know, my previous blog was all about my kids.  And now that they are officially in "school" my mommy gut is wondering if sharing pictures for the world to see is a good idea or not.  My "gut" is saying we are fine, but then I have to consider the people who tell me how scary it really can be to do that.  I have had someone take my pictures, and claim my kids were hers.  While we were not in any danger I don't believe, it was just downright creepy.  BUT, I have to document my kids lives.  Not only for us, but for them down the road.  So what to do?  Blog, but don't publish the ones about them?  Don't live in fear, and share my life the way it is.  What would you do?  What do you do? Separate business and family, only giving a peek in side our private side? I'll figure it out...hopefully sooner then later. 

In bigger news, yesterday for the first time, I declared myself a runner.  Yes I have still been running!  Not only just running, but actually enjoying it, and loving it!  I haven't posted since the 24th of last month, but here are some stats for ya.

In September, I ran 23.9 miles.  I would say I averaged about 3 miles or less a run, and 3.77 being the farthest I went.  

October, has brought changes.  The weather has turned into my favorite time of year, and mentally and physically I have grown into that runner I always wanted to be. 

Yep, that's me.  
A runner.
Prior to this, my fastest mile was 9:59, and my fastest 5k time was 34:56!!  
From my Facebook page about this picture.....

I just might get used to this whole running thing. if you asked me 2 months ago to run a 5k I would of laughed and said "I'm not a runner" where did this come from? I thought about that today while I was running. And you know where it came from? That desire of mine to push past my thoughts of "I'll never be a runner" because that's all I told myself! I was mean to me!! Which is why I always gave up. It was challenging. It wasn't #turbofire or #t25
I wasn't in the comfort of my own home, I was out running around the neighborhood sometimes being so far away I got scared I wouldn't make it back. it wasn't that far but you get that right?
So here I am now. I set out with two goals in mind today. Yes two. With rain in the forecast for the next three days, I decided I would push for my fastest mile....that nike voice came on and I braced myself (I had no clue where I was because my phone was in my #hipster) and thought "what if I didn't make it" then of course thought "it's not how fast you go" BUT. I did it. And the rest of my run fell into place. ️️ #addicted #iamarunner #running #justgorun
Now I wonder where I will go from here. It's getting cold, but that's not going to stop me from running. I have come way to far to stop now!