Monday, 26 August 2013

Twinfatuation-Makes my Monday

What makes my Monday, is that it's Monday! 
Last week was a rough one for us all.  The girls going back to school, getting off schedule, trying to find a NEW schedule.  When I get off track, so do my eating habits!  So I have recommitted with my challenge group to log my food again, and stay away from the junk!  Meal planning and prepping are a great way to make sure you have good food choices, so you don't have to opt for take out.  

What also makes my Monday, is these 2 little beauties were ready to go to school today.  There were no tears....except by Mommy!  It's hard to watch them walk into school.  I miss them like crazy!  But no tears from them is a super good way to start off the week! 

Play along with Makes my Monday over at Twinfatuation!

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful smiles....all three of you! We don't head back to school until next week, but this is a BIG one for us....MIDDLE SCHOOL! (Like you, I may shed a tear or two.... ;) )

    Thank you so much for playing along with Makes My Monday, Christina!
